This is ZSL’s Conservation Technology Unit’s test site, used to assess cameras before sending them out to the field.
The San Joaquin kit fox was listed as endangered in 1967 due to dwindling populations.
Help researchers monitor wildlife using habitat around London’s railways, and contribute to Network Rail’s biodiversity action.
Help researchers track the abundance of Wildcats and their prey in the Osa Peninsula.
Help researchers document the biodiversity of this exceptionally diverse area to better understand, manage, & conserve them.
NEW: Help us improve corridor research even further with this additional - more advanced - Lewa project.
Conservation researchers need your help to understand which species are using wildlife corridors.
We need your help to re-process some of the camera trap images because of a software bug.
Help researchers monitor important wolf populations in remote wildernesses in Croatia, also home to bears and lynx.
Help research aiming to improve the safeguarding of large mammals in Brazil.